Most of us want to be happy. We do various things to achieve that warm feeling of contentment. For some of us, our jobs keep us satisfied. Some of us volunteer our free time and energy to help others. Gratitude is often overlooked as a simple yet powerful way to lift our spirits and those of the people we interact with.
Science Behind Thankfulness
Science suggests that gratitude is more than saying thank you to the stranger who holds a door open for you. Showing genuine appreciation can create beneficial changes in our bodies that we can harness in our personal and professional lives.
Sometimes, it is easy to give thanks. Some people thank others out of habit. Empty platitudes are forgettable and can lose meaning. Expressing gratitude out of honesty and not obligation can increase happiness, improve relationships, and spread positivity. It can also spark the same feelings in other people, creating a circle of appreciation that can accomplish remarkable things.
Other times, we become too busy to express gratitude to the people we work with and serve daily. This time of year is the perfect opportunity to thank our Family and friends for making what we do possible and worth every moment.
Thank You From Fifth Avenue
Your support and encouragement energize us daily so we can focus on delivering the best possible service to our clients, doctors, healthcare providers, and administrators. Never forgotten is our Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services team, which includes 5ACVO, Primoris Credentialing Network, and Fifth Avenue Agency.
What we do is more than handling a daily grind. Although our work is a constant stream of paperwork, we know that we serve an essential purpose: allowing our providers and administrators to organize care for those that need it. We are blessed to have work, grateful to do together, and honored to be trusted by those we assist.
Joe Spann, Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services CEO, says, “To say I’m appreciative of this strong, intelligent, and compassionate team is an understatement. Their unwavering dedication and empathy outshine their expertise. I’m fortunate and humbled to be surrounded by such great people.”
Every person who participates in any aspect of our credentialing, provider enrollment, and MPLI solutions is indispensable. Working tirelessly has its rewards. However, a heartfelt thanks to everyone committed to excellence can create meaning and a cycle of happiness that continually generates goodwill. What goes around, comes around. Keeping the wheel turning can result in a lifetime of satisfaction and strong connections.
More information about Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services
Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services is a NCQA Credentialing Accredited family of healthcare companies. Sister companies include 5ACVO (credentialing and primary source verification specialists), Fifth Avenue Agency (MPLI and medical malpractice insurance specialists), and Primoris Credentialing Network (credentialing and provider enrollment specialists with 54+ health plan and network provider enrollment options).
For information on Fifth Avenue Healthcare Services, please visit or Contact Us.